Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Day!

Last night we got 4 inches of snow! Ever since Chloe came home she has been our little snow baby. It snowed the day we brought her home and since then we have had a ton of snow! Today we looked at the snow and took pictures of the snow but did not go out in the snow :(
Next year will be fun when I can bundle her up and take her out in it.
Chloe got all dressed up in her Winnie the Pooh outfit from her Great Aunt Michaela and Uncle David and hat from Nora and Brian.
She spent some time on her tummy and lifted her shoulders off of the ground. She doesn't enjoy tummy time so we don't get very many pictures.
Also featured in pictures today are Benny licking snow off his nose and Lily playing with a headband. Chloe loves to watch them and they are still trying to figure out what she is. I should say that Benny and Lily are trying to figure out what she is and Linus could care less.

Tummy time!


Yumm, snow.
Our Backyard:
Lily with her headband, err.. my headband.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sharing and Conversations

After looking at my last few days of pictures I have noticed that Chloe should be an expert when it comes to sharing! She shares her playing space and her sleeping space! If she doesn't know how to share, well at least she will be comfortable with animals!

Chloe's new favorite thing is diaper changes. As soon as we lay her on the changing table she is all smiles! She coo's and gaa's and has a great time.

Yesterday I ordered Size 2 diapers for my little one! I attempted to get her weight by weighing myself while holding her and then without her. There was a 14.6 lb difference! I then made the decision to go ahead and order larger diapers. I had been holding off because we have so many size 1's left but they are just too small!
Today Chloe has really started talking! She makes noises and we respond "Oh really, pretty girl?" and she makes another noise in return. This is the start of learning how to hold a conversation. :) Now for my favorite picture of the week;

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting Started

Our little Chloe Elizabeth was born on November 23rd, 2010 at 3:15 am. She was a little chunk weighing in at 8 lbs 10 oz. and was 20 and 3/4 inches.
It was an adventure with Chloe from the very beginning. She arrived via emergency c-section with a healthy pair of lungs!
Brandon and I really enjoyed our days in the hospital as a new family and knew returning home and resuming life "on the outside" would be a challenge. We knew that in leaving the hospital we would be returning home to cleaning, cooking and our pets.

The first month was a challenge with a lot of sleepless nights and
fussy days. In Chloe's first month she mastered the skill of getting mom and dad to do whatever she wanted them to do. Her first week home after the first two nights (those were rough) were amazing. She slept all the time and NEVER cried. We thought we were the luckiest parents alive, we had a baby that didn't cry! Then Chloe woke up and let the world know she was here. The following 6 weeks were bumpy ones with multiple trips to the pediatrician, acid reflux and diaper rash.

The sun has finally started to peak through the clouds though. Chloe is 8 weeks old today. She is taking prescription baby Zantac for her acid reflux and her diaper rash isn't diaper yeast as we originally thought. It is an allergy to Huggies. For the last three nights Chloe has only woke me up once to nurse. These new found sleep filled nights are partly because Chloe is growing but also because I finally caved in to co-sleeping. She hates her bassinet and prefers to sleep next to me. For now I suppose it is worth it but I may say otherwise when I try to transition her to her crib.
The last few days have been wonderful as Chloe has began cooing, squeaking and smiling much more frequently. Also, I was able to shower today and start this blog. Is my new normal life going to begin now? I sure hope so!